Greetins Family and Friendss
Our Pickett Family Reunion will be held in Jacksonville, NC and we welcome you to attend and meet new family members, learn some wonderful Family History about out Family and enjoy some family fun activities for children & adults. The Reunion is schedule for three consecutive days:
Family Reunion Meeting Sat April 13th1 pm
We need everyone in attendance. Plans are being made and we need your support and input.
JULY 4 th 3 pm in Pickettown Meet and Greet Menu- hotdogs, hamburgers,chips,watermelon (Bring Board Games)
JULY 5th Family Fun HAwaiian Theme —Welcome to Pudges catering 4:00 pm- until
JULY 6th 11-3 Tailgate menu hot wings
Hot dogs, taco bar, baked potato bar, cupcakes bar for, hot sausages etc.
JULY 6th evening event short family heritage and history banquet Location DAV Building Roosevelt Road.
YARD SALE APRIL 20th 7 am to 12. DROP OFF DONATIIONS at 1 pm -5 pm on Friday April 19 th Bring Donations for YARD SALe
Prices— 5 and under Free
6-12 years old. $15
13-17 years old. $25
18 and up. $50
65 and up. FREE
For a single day it’s $20 a day
Deadline for payment is June 1st after June 1st each price increases by $10.
T-shirts for Friday will be bold Colors- deep orange/ pink/HAWAIIAN THEME